Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ghost or Mummy

I enjoy decorating for all sorts of holidays. Since Halloween is coming up I decided to look around to see if there was anything I could make. I came across these super cute ghosts/mummy decorations. All you need is a bottle, something to wrap around it, permanent marker, glow stick or battery operated tea light.

 Make sure you use a clean bottle and all the labeling is off. You can use any size bottle but I suggest not going over 16oz.
 Start wrapping you bottle at the bottom. I used Curad waterproof adhesive tape. It doesn't have to be pretty or straight. Remember this is going to be a ghost/mummy.
 Wrap it all the way up to the top. Yes you are going to have folds and wrinkles. That just adds more character.
 Draw your face on it. It can be scary, funny, or even cute.
Crack the glow stick and put it in the bottle. I put the top on but you don't have to.

**If you don't want to keep buying glow, I suggest using a wider mouth bottle like a mason jar. That way you can use a battery operated tea light. The positive part about using glow sticks is you can have any color ghost/mummy you want.

The Great UGLee Pen

This is a great pen. The grip is very comfortable. I have been able to write without getting a cramp in my hand. It writes very smooth too. There is no ink skipage. I would highly recommend this pen to anyone.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Homemade Bubble Soap

My daughter loves bubbles and honestly I don't know if you ever grow out of bubbles. Our kittens loves chasing them too. We had some store bought bubbles and they weren't really all that great. So I started looking for bubbles recipes. Usually bubble recipes use glycerin but I found one that used sugar and it has turned out great!

A jar to hold about 20oz
2 cups warm water
1/4 cup sugar
1/3 cup dish washing soap

 First add the sugar and water. Since our bottle had a tight lid, I let my daughter shake it to mix it up and dissolve the sugar. Add the liquid dishwashing soap and that's it.
These bubbles were great. They did bounce a little and didn't pop as easy as typical bubbles. It is best to a smaller bubble wand. We tried using a bubble wand made from a pipe cleaner but the bubble kept popping. That's when we figured out the smaller wand worked best.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Cat Toy

My cats love playing with everything they aren't supposed to. So I decided to make them something.

fabric piece (roughly 11in x 7in)
something for the tail
something to stuff it with

First measure out your fabric. I made mine 11in x 7in. You can make yours whatever size you want.
Next you need something to make a tail with. I crocheted a furry little tail that is about 6in. Half the size of the fabric piece.

Fold the piece in half, find the middle, then find the middle again of the now smaller side. Place the part of the tail that you want out on the outside on the right side of the fabric. Example when I folded my piece in half the width is not 3.5in so I placed the tail at about 1.25 in so it would be in the middle.

Pin the side together. Make sure you pin the side with the tail. Sew around the piece leaving open the end opposite of the tail. Clip the corners so you have nice points. Turn it right side out. Stuff if with whatever you like. I stuffed mine with plastic bags since my cats enjoy that sound. Fold the open end in and sew it closed.