Saturday, October 19, 2013

Ghost or Mummy

I enjoy decorating for all sorts of holidays. Since Halloween is coming up I decided to look around to see if there was anything I could make. I came across these super cute ghosts/mummy decorations. All you need is a bottle, something to wrap around it, permanent marker, glow stick or battery operated tea light.

 Make sure you use a clean bottle and all the labeling is off. You can use any size bottle but I suggest not going over 16oz.
 Start wrapping you bottle at the bottom. I used Curad waterproof adhesive tape. It doesn't have to be pretty or straight. Remember this is going to be a ghost/mummy.
 Wrap it all the way up to the top. Yes you are going to have folds and wrinkles. That just adds more character.
 Draw your face on it. It can be scary, funny, or even cute.
Crack the glow stick and put it in the bottle. I put the top on but you don't have to.

**If you don't want to keep buying glow, I suggest using a wider mouth bottle like a mason jar. That way you can use a battery operated tea light. The positive part about using glow sticks is you can have any color ghost/mummy you want.

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